A Turning Point In AI History

OpenAI Mindblowing New Capabilities


This week, OpenAI's DevDay will be remembered as a turning point in A.I. history, with many breakthroughs and capabilities revealed. Below is all you need to know (in nontechnical terms)

GPT-4's launch represents a significant advancement from what was once science fiction and is now a tangible reality.

"Voice and vision capabilities for ChatGPT enabling new ways of human-computer interaction." Sam Altman

It allows senior citizens to stay connected, mothers to enjoy their families, and many other personal stories.

As I watched the reveal, one thing became crystal clear. This is our moment to lead the charge.

Today’s issue:

  1. Open AI 1st DevDay: Customization & Accessibility

  2. Advancements: Capabilities & more

  3. AI trends: Elon Musk launches ChatGPT Rival

  4. AI in action: How to Create Stunning Carousel from YouTube <30 min

1. Open AI 1st DevDay

Custom GPTs are a game changer, allowing many to create their GPTs without coding. Examples include:

  • Writing coach

  • Startup Mentor

  • Canva GPT for design

  • Zapier GPT for automation

  • Competitive pricing, enabling new users from startups to innovators.

  • The input tokens will be 3x cheaper than GPT-4 at $0.01, and the output tokens will be 2x more affordable at $0.03

  • GPT4 customers will get double the token limit per minute.

  • GPT-Turbo will open up possibilities for diverse industries to innovate and grow.

The GPT Store is a platform where developers can feature and monetize their most innovative and valuable GPT apps. The most popular and useful GPTs can earn revenue from the store.AI Stats & Trends.

2. Advancements: Capabilities & more

GPT-4 Turbo:

  • In this next generation of GPT-4, you can load the equivalent of a book in one prompt (128k context window)

  • It has updated knowledge up to April 2023

  • It also comes with a function calling updates

  • API access to Vision, text-image (Dall-E 3) and Text-to-speech

  • GPT-4 Turbo can accept images as inputs to generate captions, analyzing pictures and figures in documents

  • The Images API and Text-to-speech enable developers to create images in their products and develop human-quality speech from text, respectively.

    Copyright protection shield

  • ChatGPT Enterprise and the developer platform will get a copyright shield covered by OpenAI, which will pay the costs incurred if they face legal claims around copyright infringement.

3. AI trends

4. AI in action: Create a Stunning Carousel from YouTube, <30 min

Grow your audience and establish yourself as a thought leader with carousels on Linkedin.

Create a stunning carousel from a YouTube video in under 30 minutes. Using ChatGPT, DALLE-3 and Canva

Find the ChatGPT prompts in this Google Doc (Link to prompts for Carousel from YouTube Video).

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Exclusive Invitation: Founding member

I am excited to invite you to join me as a founding member of an exclusive community called" A.I. for Business.".

As I watched the reveals, one thing became crystal clear.

This is our moment to lead the charge.

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Thank you for reading!

Until next week,


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