AI Business Edge #1 by Dr. Nadia Boutaoui

Your gateway to the future of business intelligence

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the “AI Business Edge” newsletter. Your gateway to the future of business intelligence by Dr. Nadia Boutaoui, Ph.D., EMBA., a visionary leader in tech innovation with a stellar career from Harvard’s epigenetics specialist to leader of a genetics lab at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Boutaoui authored 33 research papers. She is Tech innovation certified and teaches AI for business.

Today’s issue:

  1. First executive order on AI: President Biden issued an executive order for safe, secure & trustworthy AI

  2. AI stats & trends:

  3. AI for business growth takeaways from our first AI live conference

  4. AI in action:

AI spotlight

Landmark Executive Order on AI: President Biden issued an Executive Order focusing on safety, security, privacy, equity, civil rights, consumer and worker protection, innovation, competition, global leadership, and government use. The order will require more transparency from AI companies about how their models work and will establish a raft of new standards, most notably for labeling AI-generated content. 

  • Safety & Security: AI developers of powerful AI systems mandated to share safety results; enhanced AI standards.

  • Privacy & Rights: Focus on privacy-preserving AI techniques and counteracting AI-induced discrimination. Example: Watermark labeling of AI-generated content.

  • Consumer & Worker: Protective measures against AI harms (responsible use of AI in healthcare) and AI-impacted job scenarios such as principles to maximize AI benefits for workers."

  • Innovation & Global Leadership: Boost to AI research and international collaborations.

  • Government AI Use: Guidelines for AI in government with an emphasis on expertise development.

AI Stats & Trends

AI for Business Growth Summit

Entrepreneurs in Healthcare, Wellness and Tech organized an AI for Business Growth Summit on October 24th, and many raved about it (check testimonials).

Speakers included five thought leaders in AI and LinkedIn's top voices. It was three hours of value-packed sessions. Watch the full Summit on my YouTube channel (subscribe while there!).

Here is the summit breakdown:

Nadia Boutaoui, PhD, EMBA-Healthcare : AI essentials 00:00-31:10
Harvey Castro, MD, MBA.: GPT Vision in Medicine and Healthcare 31:11-1:00:12
Jordan Wilson: 5 ways GenAI will change marketing 1:00:13-1:33:28
Alex Cahana, MD: "Blockchained" AI new business 1:33:29-2:00:43
Cory Warfield : The Future of AI and UBI 2:00:44-2:17:55
Q & A for all: 2:17:56-2:59:33

AI Summit Golden Nuggets

Dr. Nadia Boutaoui, PhD, EMBA: an innovator and entrepreneur, covered AI basics and common AI misbeliefs that can hold people back, such as AI isn't exclusive to big tech nor overly complex for non-tech individuals, and it complements rather than replaces human jobs. Dr. Boutaoui reviewed essential AI skills for non-technical individuals, including prompt engineering for effective AI communication and understanding AI's limitations. She then discussed AI’s value in enhancing operational efficiency, decision-making, and customer experiences that boost business revenue.

Dr. Harvey Castro, MD, MBA: an AI in healthcare expert, reviewed the potential of Chat GPT-4 Vision in the healthcare sector. He shared examples and experiments conducted to test its capabilities, such as analyzing handwriting in prescriptions, interpreting medical visual content, and assisting in diagnostics. Dr. Castro also raised concerns about over-reliance on AI, especially among young medical practitioners, and ethical considerations. He remains optimistic about the future applications of AI in enhancing healthcare delivery and patient education.

Jordan Wilson: an AI and marketing expert, discussed the shift in the marketing landscape driven by Generative AI (Gen AI), including its role in content creation with a focus on delivering high-quality content in human-centric ways to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Jordan discussed job role consolidation and viewing Gen AI as a collaborative entity in the workplace. Jordan stressed the importance of personalization in marketing and the resurgence of AI-powered chatbots. Jordan encouraged leaders to adapt to these changes, such as broadening skill sets, integrating Gen AI in marketing processes, and balancing technological efficiency with human connection.

Alex Cahana, MD: A physician adept in tech integration, discussed the synergy between blockchain and AI in global healthcare. Blockchain was spotlighted as a “trust solution”, ensuring data integrity with its tamper-proof, decentralized nature. Dr Cahana discussed how decentralizing AI through blockchain can counteract bias and data silos, fostering enhanced federated learning and AI interoperability, and emphasized the significance of smart contracts, automating transparent transactions, especially when combined with AI. Lastly, Dr, Cahana discussed how the tokenization of data can allow the valuing and containerizing of data, enabling its exchange, governance, and incentivizing data improvement, which is crucial for data liquidity and fostering AI collaboration.

Cory Warfield: The futurist editor of AI logs predicts AI's dominance in the job market, pointing to innovations like humanoid robots and OpenAI's platforms. Quantum computing, combined with blockchain, promises enhanced data security and a shift in data monetization away from tech giants. As AI evolves, with tools like MetaGPT generating software, Cory recommends proactive adaptation and upskilling like learning Python. He envisions an AI-enabled Universal Basic Income. The emergence of Web 3, blending blockchain and generative AI, signifies a more tailored and secure digital era. Yet, despite this surge, the intrinsic value of the human touch in products remains irreplaceable, emphasizing the balance needed between technology and the human essence.

AI in action

Here is one master prompt that you can use in many business applications:

Context + Specific Information + Intent + Response Format.

  • Context: Detail of who you are and what you do

  • Specific Information: Profile of the audience you are trying to reach. Tone, emotions, keywords you want to include, length of response

  • Intent: What is the action you want ChatGPT to take

  • Response Format: What is the output format (table, summary...)

Try it and share your results! Just reply to this email.

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Thank you for reading!

Until next week,


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